Added an anime to watchlist but not showing up in calendar

hey I added this anime

I’ve added this to my watchlist and my collection

it shows it’s airing today
but on “my shows and movies” calender, it’s not coming up. I’m new to calendar so any tips would be appreciated. thanks

EDIT: I have this in my watchlist and it won’t come up in my calnder either

Probably bc someone updated the air date for episode 8 today which also airs today. When someone updates tmdb that recent, give it up to 24 hours for it to show up in certain places on trakt.

Have you checked if you didn’t hide it accidentally? You can see your hidden shows at: Hidden Items - Trakt

It can also be related to cache issues, so try reseting your cache at: Advanced Settings - Trakt

thanks for the quick reply, That makes sense, I also for somehow had that show hidden, thanks to Sonply, I unhidden it so I’ll wait if it’s going to show up, but it’s good to know I can see if someone might have changed something

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hey thanks for quick reply, I indeed had one show hidden so thanks and that show plus the other show is showing again.

I found this show

In the recently aired it says august 25, but if you go into the season , the next one should be today and it won’t show in my calendar. Is their anything that can be done about this? thanks again

Trakt and tmdb doesn’t show today for the next episode. It shows that the next episode airs 9/1. Not sure where I saw that it airs today.

The dates seem to be correct now.
That show is a case where people think one date is the correct one, but it is actually another. So they keep editing TMDB and adding the wrong date there.
It streams early on wednesday’s on some streaming services, but it only airs sundays on the original japanese channel. And we use the TV dates for shows, not the streaming dates.

One website I use for reference on these cases is: しかのこのこのここしたんたん - しょぼいカレンダー (
You can see that on TOKYO MX it airs on sundays, and you can also see that it airs early on ABEMA(a japanese streaming service). Here in the west, most streaming services get the episodes on the same day ABEMA releases them, and that confuses people when they add the dates on TMDB.

hey thanks for your help. so it’s not a bug but just the dates getting messed up from third party, thanks again

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