Ads with VIP?

I don’t really mind, just curious, I’m getting ads

on the site, telling me to go VIP, but my VIP status is good until October, with autorenewal on.

That’s odd, have you cleared cache, restarted everything? If you are VIP and it’s not showing you that you are VIP, you are missing out on a ton of good features on top of not having to deal with ads.

Contact, it’s probably faster there especially since it deals with your sensitive data and the holidays.

It must have been a glitch. It was appearing for maybe 3/4 hours, just that one particular ad, but I’ve just checked and it’s disappeared again. It wasn’t bothering me as such, just found it odd, but all good now :crossed_fingers:

Weird, I wonder if there was a caching glitch. Did your VIP recently renew, and perhaps there was a gap in membership for a few hours?

It was renewed in October, using autorenewal, so I think it might be a tad late for a caching problem - though knowing my luck it wouldn’t surprise me!

It’s not a big deal, really, it was more putting it out there in case anyone else had the same thing happen. Scrolling an inch on my phone to bypass it is nothing compared to some of the games I play with 45/60s no skip ads :slight_smile:

Ugggghhh…I play a few games like that too. I only put up with them because they actually help make me $20-$30 of extra cash each month. So, between the 5-6 games that I play for 10-15 minutes a day (usually when eating lunch, sitting on the throne, etc) I can earn ~ $100 for beer money. LOL!