Help confirming my VIP subscription cost

I have been a VIP for years now, can someone confirm what the cost will be for my next payment? I should be grandfathered in at $30 but I need this confirmed so I don’t end up being charged $60 next time.

submit a ticket by @support here or sending them an email at

Thank you!

My subscription extended couple of weeks ago and it was $30

Ah ok, so the $60 is in theory only for those who were not VIP prior to the price change, I would love the admin to confirm this because it seems to be true, before I look at other services

It’s only the new price if you don’t have auto renewal on.
So if you’re someone who subscribes and right away cancels the subscription, and close to expiry date subscribe again and cancel again

like not due to issues with credit card expiring or something.

for example I was never able to have a subscription 10 years ago because i don’t have a creditcard. I have a paypal account, and I loaded money into that to pay. But that didn’t work for Trakt subscription, so I paid manually every year. Just last year, i don’t know if it’s something new or when it was released, but I could combine my debit card to paypal, and then I could subscribe.

TL;DR they respect the pricing if it’s out of your hands that renewal didn’t work, and if you have renewal on, the original price you subscribed at will be used.

// EDIT: You will have to contact support though! Through email or through a direct message on the forums. The website is not that fancy that it knows you are an existing VIP member with an expired creditcard or other issues :tm:

thank you, i have auto renewal on and the $30 is my current rate so sounds like it’s not going up for me!

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Just renewed and it was $30.

There was even an issue with the initial payment and I got an automatically generated email to re-enter the details of a valid card, which was then billed with the old price. So you’ve got nothing to worry about.

So my Paypal subscription was cancelled and I worked with support to get a link to be grandfathered in, but when I go to the link I only have the option to “Update Payment” which takes me to Paypal and is a dead end or ,“Cancel” which says I’ll be losing my VIP and seniority. What do I do!?

Hey Michael,

Send an email to support with more details (including the link) and we’ll look into it. I know there was a bug with some of the links recently, so it might be related to that.

My credit card expired, I loaded a new one and was charged double cost. Highly unfair and not aligned to what is being written here.

You have to write to support when you run into trouble. It doesn’t magically happen. The website doesn’t know you were an existing member when the creditcard has expired.

I suggest sending a mail to support. Since your credit has already been charged I think they will say you gotta cancel the current subscription and load up an extra year manually. Then in two years you can subscribe via a manual link given by support.

But I strongly advice you to contact support right away.

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So question, would I be grandfathered as well? I was also subscribed but I had PayPal as my payment option and had to change it, but forgot about it and the payment didn’t go through until I put the credit card on file and was thus charged $60.

Send a message to support about it!
If you change payment options in sure theyll honor the pricing!

That’s actually a very good question, because I have seen so many people asking the same exact thing. I’ll be honest because I had the same problem as well…and had to switch from PayPal to a bank debit card. I’ll do a little research because I don’t even know if I am at the $30 or $60 price…