Advanced genre filters

I think the filtering system is quite good but since we have filter options/methods like ANY, ALL, NONE it makes sense to have multiple fields for the genre filtering.

For example yo’d want to search for Horror movies but not Horror Comedies so you’d set it something like this:
Genre: Horror, Option/Method: ANY or ALL
Genre: Comedy, Option/Method: NONE

In terms of UI, maybe add a + icon next to the first field when populated and a - on the new fields


Hey @jsutin, I think I found a way to cheat the system with this one :sweat_smile:

If you manually add ‘+’ and ‘-‘ to the genres on the query parameter values based on what you want, you can get super accurate genre searching.

For instance, this searches for anime movies that are an adventure but not a comedy:

or anime and comedy but not an adventure:

or ALL (which is already possible from the current UI:

For the most part, these queries can be done with a bit of tweaking, but the UI would need some updates.

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Yes, this more advanced case is available by changing the URL directly as you’ve found. Making a UI that is easy to understand this is more of a challenge and why we haven’t done it.

The JustWatch App is super easy to understand imo in regard to filter genres. If you click on a genre it will include the genre (any filter), if you click twice it will exclude the genre (none filter) and you can combine it to include one genre and exclude another genre: