Unwatched specials come and go in Progress Tab from time to time.
I’ve enabled the “include specials” option for the progress tab.
Unwatched specials come and go in Progress Tab from time to time.
I’ve enabled the “include specials” option for the progress tab.
I think there’s just a bug in how some things sync/store. I see this in the Dashboard “Up Next” as well. I know for a fact that I have marked certain shows as completely watched, including specials…but sometimes they “randomly” show back up in those locations. I just chalk it up to loss of data somewhere…maybe Trakt purges data at some point.
Here’s an example i see all the time…in the screenshot, see the “What would you do?” show…the red progress bar is missing episodes from all the way back to 2011. I know for a fact that I have marked those watched before.
It could also be a data migration thing coming from TMDB. Some shows might change their episodes from a normal one to being a Special, and the other way around.