Can I change my personal info?

Hi guys.

I just joined Trakt VIP. I’ve had a free account for years however. I would like to change my original email address to a private email carrier for security reasons. I would also like to change my username for signing in if possible?

Thanks in advance.

You can change your username and email associated with your account when you go to your account settings on the main page. when you change your email there it will also update it for the forums here you may just need to log out and back in on the forums to see that update

Screenshot from the top of the settings page under the Account section where you would select your profile picture

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Hey Jason S.

Thanks for getting back to me and sorry for the slow response. Super busy with real life stuff and then Thanksgiving!!!

So I make the changes to my username and email address in my internet browser on they’re website. The sign out and sign back in to complete the changes?
Also, will my password remain the same?


On the website it’s instant. But it might not be updated on the forums without logging out and then logging in to access the forums again.

Your password remains the same unless you change it yourself.

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exactly as the post above this one says. your password doesn’t change unless you change it and you’ll just need to log out and back in on these forums for your info to update.