If you read my previous post on this you can see my take this whole thing. Option to ignore ratings/votes made before the release date - #9 by arcreactor
Just hide the percentage for everyone until the release date(unless there is none) while still allowing for early ratings. No satisfaction of seeing a rating drop/raise. If implemented highly suggest #2 as well.
A way to show you are interested/disinterested before release I believe would work well combined with #1 and divert spam ratings while adding a feature. You can still show your support or lack thereof without affecting the rating system poorly.
Forcing the item to be marked as watched if you rate it instead of the option that we have now in the settings page would also probably help solve the issue too. Or at least set it to default.
I found that the more votes that Trakt has after release the less early voting matters. So maybe find ways to get more users to vote on content.
An integration of all 4 I believe will fix the problem relatively well.
Agreed, most theaters near me air movies a day or so before the official release date. I just saw Guardians 3 a day before it was supposed to release. (AMC btw)
Actually they don’t really change much. See below. I am proud to say that my estimations from 3 years ago held up quite well. Even though some of the movies did end up performing lower than the reference films, the important numbers were still very close…
As of my previous post the early ratings were…
- Avatar 2 79% 190 votes
- After We Collided 87% 171 votes
- The Flash 74% 128 votes
- Mulan (2020) 69% 125 votes
As of this moment the ratings of these movies are…
- Avatar 2 76% 13,026 votes*
- After We Collided 63% 1,819 votes*
- The Flash 70% 1812 votes*
- Mulan (2020) 66% 10,524 votes*
If you use this math problem you can see the rating of something without early votes.
(Total Rating x Total Number of Votes - Early Rating x Early Number of Votes) / (Total Number of Votes - Early Number of Votes) = Rating Without Early Votes
Rounded to the nearest hundredth of a point rating without early votes…
- Avatar 2 would be at 75.96% with 12,836 votes, so -0.04 point change*
- After We Collided would be at 60.51% with 1,648 votes, so +2.49 points change*
- The Flash would be at 69.70% with 1684 votes, so -0.30 point change*
- Mulan (2020) would be at 65.96% with 10,399 votes, so -0.04 point change*
*subject to change
I also would like to make a retraction/update.
The only time early ratings appear to affect average ratings at all is with After We Collided. The rating was only 2 points off when you round to the nearest point. So still not very significant. But I wanted to see why.
I went back and researched, apparently this film had premiered early in Hungary Aug 20 2020, 9 days before my original post. So some of the early ratings were likely actual ratings.
On another hand this movie did poorly, after having a much higher rating to start with. This could not happen the other way around. If the film did better, the extra votes added would cause the early ratings to be have even less of an effect.
You make an interesting point on this, perhaps instead of what I had suggested before, we should just go with the latter part, where the feature is enabled by default but can still be changed…
- Forcing the item to be marked as watched if you rate it instead of the option that we have now in the settings page would also probably help solve the issue too. Or at least set it to default.