When I delete a rating from an unwatched movie/show it works for a short bit but then they all default back to 1 star. Is this a bug or how do I clear these ratings?
Our ratings are with hearts. Are you sure you’re on Trakt.tv or Trakt iOS app? Maybe you’re using a third party app?
Sorry, I had meant heart. Had a couple of 70 hour work weeks and it looks like they’re starting to get to me.
I figured it out! It turns out that the Plex plugin would reset the rating to 1 heart after I unrated it on the website. I thought maybe it was the culprit, but I had checked the movies and there was no rating on Plex. After trying everything, I just removed it and tried it out. It’s been several hours and the unrate status has held.
So it is not a problem with Trakt, but the plugin for Plex.
I know with the old plugins, you could set it up so that Plex only adds watch or collected data, and not ratings. But I don’t know about the new Plex “extension” where you have to get a Plex Pass too. Might be a solution for you too Unless of course you want ratings to be pushed too.
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