Copy “liked list” to “personal list”?

The app that I use to sync with Trakt has been updated and now shows personal lists I’ve created.

The personal lists I have are “not interested”, so I can hide things I don’t care for, “not on app” for things I am interested in but can’t find, etc.
I also have “liked” other users lists on the Trakt app which I’d like to appear in the app I use.

Is there a way I can copy whole lists that I’ve liked into my personal list? I could go into every item on the liked list and individually add them to a personal list but that will take forever, so I’m wondering if there is a quick way to do this?

Yep! You can click “copy” on the liked list and then choose which personal list to add all the items to. You can also create a new list from that setting. You would need to do this on the website though

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Ah, I use the iOS app, find the website quite confusing but I shall give it a go!

Update: managed to find the setting to copy over, thanks!

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