Default List Sorting

Is there any way to change the default order of the lists on my “Lists” page? I have a lot of lists, and the default order is always set to “rank” , which basically means the newest lists just end up at the bottom… I’d appreciate a way to change to default sorting to “alphabetical”.

If you click the “Reorder” icon, you can rearrange them. Hope this helps!

Thanks, I am aware of that. I’m the crazy VIP user with over 100 lists :joy:… I’d much rather not have to reorder them manually.

I thought the lists were just sorted in the order you created them, the newest being on the bottom. Unless you manually reorder them, that’s where they stay.

It would be nice to have some automatic sorting options and the ability to default to one of them. So when you make a new list it just sorts itself.

An individual list does that, you can set a default sorting. This idea is for adding a default order on the lists page.

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Were you addressing me? Because I am, in fact, referring to the Lists page.