Drop a show

is there a way to drop a show?

For example, ive seen the 3 seasons of Umbrella Academy, now i lost interest and i dont want to see season 4.

How can i make it to not show on my upcoming episodes list?

You should be able to hide the show with the small ‘:no_entry_sign:’ button.

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What user said above is accurate. Hiding show will hide it and it will maintain where you left off.

If you really have no interest in ever coming back to the show and don’t want what you watched to remain in your history/records, you can go into the show and remove watched status for all episodes.

You can do this by going into the show details page from the trakt app, then click on the + where it shows % watched, then view all history. Then remove watch status for all.

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I wouldn’t recommend removing the plays since that would affect your stats, etc. We’re looking into making the hidden/dropped status more clear in a future update. For now though you can hide from your progress and calendar to effectively “drop” the show.


Thank you so much!
I never noticed it before.

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Thank you , really appreciate :pray:

That’s awesome, thank you

Hiding isn’t the optimal solution for this problem a global “don’t want anymore” is better than hiding the show in different places. Maybe even with a note for why we dropped it.