Episodes being deleted after refresh

After the refresh 16 episodes from the 2021 season were deleted.

I am posting here because this is the second time this happend.

It was fixed with the refresh but this shouldn’t be happening at all. Plays are being deleted.

Happened twice more.

2015x28-2015x96 deleted

11x113-11x171 deleted

The episodes previously deleted have come back after a refresh but this shouldn’t be happening at all. After they’re restored I have to manually add back the plays.


Seasons 1-4 and 5x01-5x22 deleted

Report response said it was due to hidden duplicates. Is there a fix for this or will this happen regularly?

Sonarr seems to be having or had this issue too. In the comments they say they think it’s TVDB.


Well that’s annoying. I made some changes that should stop the episodes from being deleted and re-added. From what I gather, TVDB invalidated their entire caching layer which means some shows are returning incomplete (or blank) episode info until that show is re-cached.