Expand Watchlist limit for free users

Not sure what you mean…

They describe what they use trakt for. Not the watchlist feature itself though

“because it was the only thing i really used of trakt → keeping track of series and movies i wanted to see (upcoming or already released ones) and of things i already watched.

Maybe they should have said they use trakt for two things.

But we’re just assuming. It’s not clearly stated how OP used Trakt for that last thing.

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I appreciate the confirmation, I postponed switching platforms until I had confirmation, thanks!


what is the pain point for not increasing the watchlist limit? you’re doing this change for sub 6% of the user base to limit list abuse from what I gather? I assume this involves API generated lists and not user managed lists? couldn’t you just put limits on certain apps instead? not sure if you’re ever going through the 500 posts of feedback but as stated there, this limit would have steered me away from ever using trakt… it’s way to small for including both movies and shows in 2025…


The site has lost at least half its value with the new limits.
A site which describes itself as " Track shows and movies you watch" where I can’t track what I’m going to watch.

As for the inevitable “why aren’t you contributing financially?” question:
Storage is basically the cheapest thing you can buy in the cloud and adding something to someone’s watchlist can literally be implemented as a table of two integers per row (media item id and user id). Watchlist items cost you basically nothing, unless the site implementation is unfathomably shitty.

So I have to assume this change is pure badgering to force long-time users into buying VIP.
Racketeering, essentially: “That’s a nice watchlist you’ve got there…would be a shame if something happened to it…”

AWS S3 and S3 Tables both cost less than 3 cents per gigabyte per month.
Even full-on DynamoDB only costs $0.25 for the pure storage.

And you want me to believe that having less than 400 watchlist items is what’s driving the site into bankruptcy?

Tell you what: I’ll pay you $1 a month for a gigabyte worth of list space, if it costs you so much.

Wouldn’t want the site to go broke because I added another item and you had to pay for 128 whole bits! :scream:


You can though. Lists aren’t the exclusive way to track how you watch. You have other ways like the calendar and the progress page.

Justin never said Trakt was being driven to bankruptcy so no.


You can though. Lists aren’t the exclusive way to track how you watch. You have other ways like the calendar and the progress page.

So your argument is “You don’t need a watchlist, you can read Trakt just like television listings!”
Very compelling, yes.
Thank god I have this modern website with an app and an API and all sorts of player integrations so that I can use it just like TV Guide in 1948.

Justin never said Trakt was being driven to bankruptcy so no.

So you are fully aware that this is entirely a cash grab with no organisational or economic necessity, and yet you sit here and support them.

Are they whispering sweet nothings in your ear?
Are they telling you that you’re a good body for having bought VIP?

Did you make yourself believe that VIP Badges and Month in Review are worth all the money you’re giving them?


I didn’t know the TV Guide in 1948 had an automatically updating calendar and progress pages for each show.

Like come on what is this. Your claim was that “I can’t track what I’m going to watch” and that’s just not true.

So you are fully aware that what you said was wrong and don’t care.

Yeah, I do think this is pretty much a cash grab and I don’t defend it. I just wanted to respond to some things you said which were wrong. Notice how I didn’t quote anything else. Because guess what? I agree there should be a cheaper tier for lists. I have said this.


Calendar is for shows you started and shows that are on the watchlist, progress is only for shows that you started. You are completely wrong. Users do need the watchlist to keep track of things they want to watch.


They said “track what I’m going to watch.” And if they meant only things that they didn’t start yet then sure you do need your watchlist for that.

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Why yes, believe it or not, in the thread about watchlist limits, when I’m talking about tracking things I’m going to watch, I am, in fact, referring to the watchlist that Trakt needlessly made unusable.


You have nothing better to do than giving these shitless responses?


Judging by the vehement protests you’ve made on how you consider watchlist so essential, it’s a bit much to say a cap of 100 renders it “useless.” It’s a WATCHLIST, not an ever growing fever dreamlist ad infinitum … not for free, anyway.

I didn’t get VIP for the badge or status – DARK KNIGHT, BABY! :laughing:


Nobody asked but sure

@CarlMacLawrence how dare you want to watch more than 100 shows and movies!!! :rage:


Just an idea: instead of earning additional custom lists, let me earn watchlist slots. Maybe make a year worth 100 watchlist slots or so. Or 20 if you still want to be stingy.


i like this idea. make a new topic as a suggestion so it can get votes. I’ll happily vote for that


i said, i use trakt to keep track of upcoming things i want to watch and what i have watched.
To be specific i use the watchlist to see and be notified when upcoming stuff i want to see is aired and my watchlist is over 100 with just upcoming movies and series or series/movies i still want to watch and already aired.
here i have the issue, that i cant use trakt anymore because of the limit, i saw another upcoming series and movie but couldnt track it.

The progress is in history, i still can see and use that to see what i watched. but the history is kinda messy to look at (i rather have a a-z List of what i watched already than seeing when i watched it, but thats not the issue for me) but this is “fine” and i still can see and use it even though i liked it more putting it in seperate lists.
So no big issue here and i could live with how that works.

So the problem overall is the watchlist only having 100 items and its already full, i cant add new series or movies that are coming up and thats my biggest issue.
But paying 60$ just for that one thing so that trakt is usable for me is too much for me, i dont need all the other features.
I would pay a smaller “light vip” or so for just that without any questions.


Going to Sign in to Trakt - Trakt and sort by A-Z should do the trick. From the drop down on the top right.

Right i forgot the progress tab. But as i said, thats not the problem i have, which makes trakt now unusable for me, its the watchlist limit.

Sadly we get more lists the longer we are a member, but not a higher watchlist limit (i like mbirth idea ! but i would pay for it aswell aslong as its a reasonable price for just that and not a high price for stuff i dont need)

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Couldn’t you just use the extra-lists as “2nd Watchlist”, “3rd Watchlist” and so on?
I don’t recall any benefit from using the Watchlist for this purpose, other than the fact that it has its own “special” status among the list of lists.