Yet Another Free User Collection Limit Increase Request

I’ve been a free user member since 2019. The main things I use Trakt for are scrobbling what I’ve watched (via the Kodi Add-on) and seeing if a TV Show I previously watched has a new Season available.

With the recent changes, I carefully considered VIP but I’ve decided that for my limited use, it’s not worth it. So now I’ve set the Kodi Add-On to remove deleted TV shows from my Collection and as I have 70 TV Shows to watch, I have had to remove all Movies, so I can stay under the 100 Item Collection limit.

However, I still have 70 shows and 60 movies waiting to be watched. So for me, I have had to switch off adding Movies to my collection and delete the Movies already added because the TV shows is what I mainly use Trakt for. But it would be great if the 100 item Collection limit could be expanded a little to 100 TV Shows and 100 Movies.

Personally, I don’t think this is excessive and would set the right balance between someone who is using Trakt lightly and a real enthusiast / media collector.


I completely agree with you. Unfortunately - and quite miserly - @justin has already said in a similar thread that the 100 item limit is here to stay.

I’d quite happily pay something just for scrobbling and a list of 200-300 items but to pay US$60 annually for the full VIP package is absolutely ridiculous.


That’s what the progress section is for. Maybe make a request over at Kodi so they use that section on Trakt. Otherwise check on Trakt/Calendar in Trakt to see if there’s a new season for a show.

From your message I read that Kodi is using the Collection feature in Trakt as a sort of watchlist? If so can’t they use the proper lists for that too? If you’re not really using Trakt you could use those extra lists for more Kodi “Collection” space.

It’s doubtful that this is a Kodi (addon) issue. As you pointed out, Watched History does generate Next Up for new seasons when they are released. There is no limit for watched history. Adding them to a list or collection is unnecessary.

So in other words, I’m working back to front - I could add Movies to a Collection providing I stay under the 100 limit and once I start watching a TV Series I can track it through Watched History and Progress.

Plus, I could always add TV Shows I’ve got but haven’t started watching to my Watchlist and once I start watching them they automatically move from my Watchlist to Watch History… OK that works for me …

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Many thanks for the replies and input :slight_smile: guys

So the only glitch I’ve found with this is when a show is released on a week by week basis. For example, I’m watching Severance (great show by the way) and I’m up-to-date with the latest episode (5 out of 10) at the moment. So this show is not showing in Progress because I’ve got my Watch History set to hide Completed.

Yes. Since it’s completed as in there are no available unwatched episodes. As soon as the best episode releases you’ll see it in your progress again as it’s no longer completed