Feature request: More nuanced profile privacy settings

I’ve got my profile set to private because there’s a few things I don’t want public. For the most part I’m happy with things being public, but what I don’t want is my collections nor my date/time watched being public.

I don’t really want people knowing what I do/don’t have in my collection.

I’m OK with people knowing what it was I last watched, just not when.

I’m hoping it’s possible for these features to be added?


Something we are considering for a future update.


I’d like to bring that up again. To allow/hide all the profile items (Profile History Progress Collection Ratings Lists Comments Notes Friends Year in ReviewAll Time Stats) to pub/friends/private would be great, at least for VIP. It’s very common in other communties.

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Like to add my two cents here. I didn’t realize that there’s zero nuance for privacy. I don’t want strangers knowing my currently watching or probably my watch history, but lists…I don’t care about. Even setting a list to public but having profile as private makes the list not viewable. Big bummer.

Lists can have their privacy set to “link” which gives you a public accessible link to share with people. Not exactly what you’re looking for, but it is an option.