Well I know that the filter exists, since I found it, I don’t quite remember how, probably fiddling with URL parameters from the yearly starts page.
So if i want to see for example the movies I’ve collected in a given year (or in a range of any date) I can do :
/users/rxb1/collection/movies/added?end_at=2020-12-31T23:59:59&start_at=2020-01-01T00:A00:00 in the URL
and that will filter my collection of movies accordingly (in this example all from year 2020)
However, there is no easy way to do this from the collection page itself, like a couple of calendars
in the advanced filters (Calendars would be better to allow choice of the range)
My suggestion is just this, add a couple calendar in advanced filters like that :
Yes that’s what I had in mind… Add a ‘last 3 months’, ‘last 6 months’ and ‘last year’ quick selection and that’d be just it
The year search filter in search is not bad, if you’re looking for a range. On the other hand the update that’d be needed there is a single field to enter a precise year… Sometimes you search for a movie that has had 3 remakes and two reboots with a very generic title, you know you’re looking for the one released in 1977 but you have 70 likely results and the posters are no help. In that case the sliders are fine to narrow the range to the 1977 year, but I’d type the year thrice as fast in a text field (I suppose the code would be ‘if field empty use sliders value, else use field value’)