Find missing episodes in Plex library


Im wondering if there is a good way to export a list of all the missing episodes in my Plex library? I have Trakt connected to my Plex library and want to know if there are any episodes missing for each TV-show I have in my library. I know that its possible to check the progress on collected and export a .csv, but that does not show what episodes are missing. Just the precentage of the show collected. Anyone have any ideas for this?


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Use your collection progress instead, and hide completed (completely collected)

oh i think you meant that.
then no clue. just use the trakt website to expand details to see the episodes missing :woman_shrugging:

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[quote=“nonadz, post:1, topic:29678”]
Im wondering if there is a good way to export a list of all the missing episodes in my Plex library?
[/quote]My first question is Can you export from Plex?
If it is possible in what format?

How have you got the items marked on Trakt?
Do you have them marked as collected?

If you can export in say .csv then get that file from Plex
Then download your collected shows from Trakt

Put the files together and then do a vlookup to see what is missing.

A bit of a faff but it’s how I do stuff but I like messing in spreadsheets :blush:

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