Plex + Trakt

Hi there,

I’m trying to find a good way of finding missing seasons or episodes in my plex library. I did some reading on this and a lot of people was suggesting I have now created an account here, also went for the VIP subscription so that I can use the scrobbler feature.

But this really doesn’t do much more than keep track of what I have watched from now on. I was expecting Trakt to import everything that is currently in my plex library. Add the shows to the calendar, show me missing episodes etc.

Has Trakt changed and no longer can do this or what am I doing wrong?

If you go to your progress page you can click open the season(s) where you missed episodes. But you have to import/pull your data from Plex to Trakt first. I don’t know if you can pull/import history, or only “live” scrobble?

Here’s an example from my progress page:

Thanks for the reply @lifeiscrazy,

But from what I can understand, this only shows the episodes that you have watched or not watched? And Trakt does not seem to be able to pull history. Its only from when you first connected Plex and Trakt that the monitoring starts.

But what Im looking for is something that can find if I have any missing episodes in my library, based on what is in there, not based on what I have watched.


The collection progress page is the best place to see which episodes and shows are incomplete. Here’s mine as a an example:

Plex webhooks only send new data, this is a limitation of the webhooks. The scrobblers page, apps page, and blog post all have this disclaimer:

Note: We can only get new data from Plex, we can’t send any data to Plex or sync your past history.

I’d recommend this project GitHub - Taxel/PlexTraktSync: A python script that syncs the movies, shows and ratings between trakt and Plex (without needing a PlexPass or Trakt VIP subscription) for syncing existing data, then using the Trakt Plex webhook for realtime watching info moving forward.

Hi @justin,

Thanks for the information. I will check out that project!

This worked great! I have now synced historic data to Trakt.

Thanks again!

@nonadz, Trakt is really great; welcome to the community!

PlexTraktSync is really helpful for if you have to rebuild your Plex Media Server, it will pull watched info from Trakt so you don’t end up with everything marked as new following a rebuild. I generally don’t keep it running for everyday usage because the Plex webhooks works fine with Trakt (assuming you also have Plex Pass in addition to Trakt’s VIP level) and don’t require additional processes running on your server. If you don’t have the subscriptions, I’m sure keeping PlexTraktSync running works fine

You may also want to start using an application like Sonarr ( that could help you monitor episodes that you have in your media library and even grab missing and new episodes as they come out. I have mine set so if I add a show to my Trakt watchlist, it will get added to Sonarr so it can be ready for me to watch ASAP. There’s also a movie version called Radarr (

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