Hide Individual Episodes

We need the ability to hide individual episodes, particularly for specials, where some are canon and some are junk. It would also be useful for reality series.

Am I correct in assuming you are referring to the progress page specifically?

Yes, that’s where I see the need.


Got my vote then. :+1: :smiley:

This would help fix many issues.
Shows are incorrectly entered in tvdb and specials will be listed as episodes.
Best ofs (listed as episodes) aren’t available when watching old seasons of comedy panel shows.

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I would love to have this feature as well. It would be really useful for something like Hunter X Hunter, which has two episodes that are just recaps and therefore skipped by many.

I don’t know the last time you checked out your settings hidden items page, but it can already be a lot of scrolling to get through. (At least mine sure is.). I can’t imagine adding episodes too.

I guess it would have to hierarchal like the progress page, but that also gets long and complicated and data heavy.

For me, I don’t watch very many specials so I usually hide the whole season or just mark them as watched. But I don’t watch many shows that have good/proper specials.

I think that the hidden items page needs a slight redesign anyway to make it easier to find something.
That would probably be best suited as another topic though. Just have not had the time to make a example yet. :smiley:

Personally there are episodes that I want to skip and will not come back to and in the same season episodes that I will, I just will end up waiting until I finish the show. Especially procedural episodes.

( I watch shows with my family and can not always watch shows at the same time, not going to force them to rewatch a episode they just watched.)


Adding my vote for a skip/hide individual episode. Would be nice if a long press for watch would have the option “Skip” or “Hide”, seems an intuitive place to me or just add the “hide” icon on the progress page would be good too.


This would be great for when you are doing rewatches and just want to skip episodes here and there

Just adding to this that the recent adding of Doctor Who to BBC iPlayer in the UK makes this feature all the more necessary. 97 episodes are still listed as ‘officially missing’ by the BBC which means that there are no known physical copies of the original broadcasts. And so I’d like to be able to hide those missing episodes so that I don’t have do some strange things around adding those eps to lists, setting them as watched with a date of 1950 etc etc.


Specials are a disaster on TMDB. They are very slow to respond/implement changes. There are all kinds of crazy things put in there that are not removed and good data that should be in there that is removed. As a result, Trakt is constantly out of sync with TMDB. For this reason, it would be nice to hide the bad and check off the good in hopes that it stays on TMDB or is never updated in Trakt.


TMDB makes it too easy to drop a new episode into old shows that are already specials.

When I hide a season, what is the effect?

Bringing more attention to this thread

This might not be a fix for everyone, but I wondered if there was a way to make the next episode that shows in “Up Next” to only include episodes that aired after the last episode you watched.
For example, I watch The Challenge, but the first few seasons aren’t available to stream anywhere so I don’t have any plays for those. When I finish watching 39x21, “Up Next” lists my next episode to watch as 1x01, but if I could set it to only show ‘future’ episodes (or episodes that aired after the last ‘watched’ episode) I don’t need to hide the season and I don’t have my Up Next cluttered with episodes I’m never going to watch.

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There is a setting to choose how the next episode is calculated. You can change it to use the last watched.

I believe I do have it set to use the last watched, but when I finish watching the most recently aired episode of, in this example, The Challenge, it then circles back and shows 1x01 in my Up Next. What I was looking for was for it to no longer show The Challenge in Up Next, because there are no more episodes that have aired after the one I just watched.

is there something I can change here?

Ok, in this case that is the expected behavior. Since you watched the most recent episode, there is no “next” episode so it cycles back to the first unwatched. If you will never watch those early episodes, the seasons can be hidden and it would stop doing this.

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yeah I was just trying to find a way to avoid having to hide entire seasons, since we can’t hide individual episodes

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Still begging for this feature. :sweat_smile:


Commenting to continue the push for this feature or to make it so the up next does not include previously aired episodes if you have already watched past them

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