Is there any way to extend the “Hide this show” feature on an In-Progress or Up Next show to include hiding it on the calendar automatically? I’m not sure of the use case for treating them separately since I don’t know why someone would want to hide the show in one place but not the other. I’m sure there may be a technical reason why the functions must operate independent of one another but I’ve been a long time user and this is one that has always baffled me a little. Not sure if I’m just not hiding shows correctly or if there’s a reason they’re kept separate but any insight would be appreciated.
I also just want to say that I love this site and I realize how much of a nitpick this is. You all are doing a great job!
They are intentionally separated as far as I know.
One example of how I use it: If I’m watching the first season of a show and that show is airing it’s tenth season right now, I don’t want it in my calendar with the things I’m currently watching. I will probably only get up to date after that season finishes, so it doesn’t make any sense to have it there for now. Once I’m up to date, I unhide it.
Another example for the opposite would be hiding a show from progress section because you currently aren’t watching it, but you still might want it in your calendar to know when the season ends so you can binge watch it.
So, looking at this, it is useful to have them as 2 different things. It just depends on how you use both sections.
Also, thanks for the kind words, we really appreciate them!
Thank you for the reply. I guess I can see why you may want them to operate independently. I just know my experience has been watching a couple of episodes of a show, deciding I don’t like it, and then hiding it only to have it pop up on my calendar when the next season comes up because I forgot to hide it there too. Not sure which way the majority of users would land on this one. The biggest hassle with them operating independently is that I have to find the show on the calendar when it is a show that isn’t currently airing and may be between seasons. Maybe a drop down menu like you have for adding things to your watched history or lists would be useful to hide it in both locations with one click.
Again, it’s a minor annoyance so if that’s the intention behind the design I understand.
Since not all users will want that, it would have to be optional, so I need to ask the development team if that is possible and if it makes sense for them to add this.
Once I get an answer I will tell you.
EDIT: They said that right now it isn’t possible, but it is something that has been discussed, so they will see if one day that can be done.