Hide or Block from trakt.tv/shows/trending

I’m fairly new to Trakt (Since May 2021)
While perusing Trending TV shows - Trakt.tv I see a lot of series there that i have absolutly no interest in whatsoever, I’ve tried using Filters and advanced filters to no avail. :frowning_face:

Here’s an example to better explain I cannot stand the series ‘Friends’ (Personal reasons and opinions)
I would prefer not to see it (and others) listed on Trending TV shows - Trakt.tv.
I would be grateful if anyone can help.

Advanced filters should be able to do this. Enter a search term like -friends (the - means it shouldn’t contain that word). You can then save that advanced filter so it shows up in your sidebar for quick access later.

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-friends Perfect Cheers justin, That works great :+1: (Now all I have to do is remember that on other Logins)