How Trakt Filters Comment Ratings?

Can anyone tell me how Track filters comment ratings? I’m not taking about show rating which has a different button, called “Rate Now”, where people can give stars to a show. I’m asking about comments, where you can filter which comment to see first, “most liked”, “highest rated”, “lowest rated”, “newest” etc. The question is if there’s no rating system on the comment how Trakt determines which is the highest rated and which one is the lowest? The like count doesn’t play a role on “highest rated”/“lowest rated”.

Check these attachments, I haven’t rated the show, but I have commented on that and it’s on the top 3 of the “lowest rated” comment.


I think the rating is not a “comment” rating but a show rating, for example…if you set the filter on the comments to “lowest rated” like you have in your image, it’s filtering comments from users that haven’t rated the show/movie at all, then working its way up from a show/movie rating of 1,2,3 etc… If you set to highest rated, then it will display users that have commented on the show/movie, that have rated 10 then working its way down 9,8,7 etc…

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Yes, that is correct.


That’s actually a very smart way, to sort comments based on the rating given for the show. Wasn’t aware of the system :clap:t5:

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There’s no rating system for the comment where users can rate while posting their comment. The only rating system they have is the “Rate now” for the entire show and for individual episode. My question is, if someone doesn’t rate the show at all how Trakt is filtering comments as “highest rated” or “lowest rated” when there’s no rating system available for the comment. Is it checking for certain words which helps them determine that comment is negative or positive?

No it’s using the show ratings (rate now) to filter the comments. It’s based on the fact a show rating of 10 would be a postive comment, and no rating or a low rating would be a negative comment. That’s not to say that someone that didn’t rate a show didn’t post a positive comment, but based on likelihood I guess. I would probably view comments from users that didn’t rate a show miscellaneous in this instance.

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Ah… That makes sense, if that’s the case then the system isn’t flawless. Thanks for clarifying it.

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