I have a phantom rating

On my profile it shows I have one 8 star rating.

When I go to my ratings list page, it shows the count of ratings as 1 item, but that item is not displayed.

CSV export doesn’t list a rating.

Anything we can do to remove the phantom rating?

I removed the rating for you. It was likely tied to a removed movie.

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I just confirmed the rating is not on my ratings list page. So that’s great.

Screenshot 2024-08-19 at 3.05.06 PM

But it is still showing on my profile.

I cleared the browser cache and also checked in an unauthenticated private browser session.

Any suggestions? I can’t think of anything else I can do on my side.

Sorry for the trouble.

Once you rate something new, your cached data should update. You can rate then unrate as well.

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