I'm seeing movies I didn't add - I'm not sure where to put this

In a few apps, I actually see movies I know I did not add. I can remove them, but they seem to return, at times. And they’re always the same movies, pretty much. It’s like someone else’s collection is getting mixed up with mine.

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Maybe it is one of the apps connected to your accout: Authorized Applications

Do you see anything strange there? Any app that shouldn’t be there?

Also, if those movies are in one app, then it will probably show up in the others once the data syncs. Try finding out which one is the issue and revoke it’s access.

Nothing I haven’t been using for years. The bad thing is, sometimes when it syncs, it adds them to unaffected apps. Then I just have more deleting to do.

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That data is coming from somewhere.
My advice is, revoke the access to everything, then remove the movies on Trakt, and go, one by one, on those apps to add them back (before doing that, check if it won’t import those movies again).

They don’t even show up on the Trakt website. It’s weird. I’ve logged in and out of it on everything.

Can you link the movies here?

I don’t have any examples, right now. I just deleted all of them. And the apps that I first noticed doing it don’t seem to be doing it since the last updates. But, this has happened many times before. And it’s not one specific app. It’s just weird how the same things end up in the list, again, sometimes. It’s a battle to get them all out of my lists, and then it might be ok, for a while.

Ok, since they aren’t there right now, it’s hard to know.
If it does happen again, please reply here again and we can investigate the source of those plays and find a way to stop them.

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Thanks!! I’m sure it will happen again, since this has been going on for a while. I’ll try to duplicate it, and see if I can record as much info as possible.

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It’s happened again. It’s full of the same movies that keep appearing, no matter how many times I remove them. I did not add these. Or haven’t had them on my list for quite some time. But there are a bunch I know I never added.

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I’ll ask someone to take a look.

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Thanks! I appreciate it.

This has happened to me before. I just remembered now. I think there was some sort of settings I had set in either kodi itself or some addon in kodi. I think it was related to actual movies I owned and imported locally into kodi. It was something the lines of setting where it would auto add movies that I have locally imported and auto add into trakt collection.

Do you use kodi at all? I would check settings in kodi or addons that relates to locally imported video and auto adding to trakt collection.

This took me months to figure out but once I figured it out, I disabled that setting and it stopped auto adding it to my collection. I just don’t remember what setting it was. :frowning:

No, I stopped using Kodi, years ago. So, it’s not that. I only use the collection. No watch list, or anything else. Collection is the only list I need. In most cases, anyway. Unless it’s something that just doesn’t support Trakt.

Seems like some app has some sort of setting set. Like Sonply suggested, have you tried to revoke access to all app to start fresh with re-authenticating trakt in apps you use?

Trakt website >> settings >> connected apps

Then X every app you see. Then keep track which app you reconnect to and see which app may be causing issues.

Just logging out and logging in may not work bc you could be connected to an app you do t remember and it continues to cause issues without you knowing.

Well, I’ve logged in and out of all of them. And I do have a real app killer, so I know nothing else is running.

Logging out and logging in may not help. As you could be connected to trakt somewhere you may not be realizing. Did you at least try to revoke access where I mentioned? Revoking access gives you the ability to kill logins for everything trakt sees you connected to something.

Oh!! I see it now. I’ll try removing all apps. Stremio won’t delete… It just keeps coming back, and I uninstalled that months ago. I’m not a fan.

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Cool cool. I think that will resolve your issue. Just keep an eye what apps you start re-authenticating. That way, you can track which may be causing the issue.

Well, Stremio and like 4 others cannot be removed.