Improving add to watched behaviour

Don’t really know how to describe the title, it’s something that has been present for a couple of years actually and I’m not sure if I’m the only one annoyed by this :see_no_evil:

On your home dashboard, and possibly on other locations in Trakt, it happens whenever you are in the process of manually adding watched timestamps. When you add one item, a green message appears at the top of the page confirming the watched status. If you are now proceding of adding a second item and open the “when did you watch this” popup or datepicker, it will disappear/close said popup when the green confirmation of the previous item also disappears from the screen. (causing you to redo your last action)

Hope my explanation makes sense?


Yeah, it’s re-caching your data in the browser which is closing any of the action popups. I’ve looked into it before, but the challenge is we need to have the latest data or the popups could be out of date.

I see, not an easy refactor if you want to re-cache only the submitted show I assume.

Just thought it was worth mentioning.


I initially went down that path, but it was too specific. Sometimes a single action can update data in several places. For example, marking something watched will also remove it from your watchlist.

This annoys me often as well. It usually happens when I quickly try to set a couple of episodes watched on a show page or on Up Next.

Another option could be to pause caching / postpone updating the page as long as a popup is open. Interrupting a user flow feels worse than parts of the page being out of date for a while.

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