Check out the preview web app that we are developing as a streamlined alternative to the full website:
Trakt Lite is your minimalist companion with a focus on the most used features. We’ve kept things lean, minimizing dependencies to deliver a fast user experience.
Trakt Lite is ready to speak your language. With internationalization at its core, prepare for a truly global media tracking experience.
Join the community on GitHub, explore the code, share your thoughts, expose any bugs, and if you’re feeling adventurous, submit a pull request:
This is just the beginning, and together, we’ll forge the future of Trakt Lite!
You might need to play around with the top and bottom margins as it’s getting blocked by front cameras (which can’t be seen on a screenshot) and top nav menu of the phone as well as the bottom of the phone screen.
When viewed directly in a browser it is fine.
It might look different on a different phone. I’m currently viewing it saved to the Home Screen as a web app on the iPhone 16 pro.
Other than that, it looks pretty clean if a user wants to use this instead of the official apps.
Below is when viewed directly in a browser window which looks fine.
Aside from the issue that @LoganWolverineX mentioned when saving the “app” to your homescreen, it looks amazing! As long as you load it directly in the web browser on the phone the display margins work correctly.
I love how the progress bars show on each show card, I would love to have that in the actual app. Really clean design, well done!
Quick Edit: I just pulled up the site on my desktop and its even better. This could be a new design inspiration for parts of the site. Super Hyped!
What does this mean? What’s the philosophy behind this app?
Trakt Lite is your minimalist companion with a focus on the most used features
I’m thinking this means just the tracking, the history, and the calendar (not custom ones I’m guessing). No lists, CSV exporting, or filtering.
It would be focused on what you’re actually watching. Trakt serves as your database. It has your entire history of shows. The ones you finished, dropped, and put aside. Trakt Lite would take the shows you are actually watching from that database.
Uh, how open sourced are we talking here? Sorry, not that experienced with coding. Can someone make their own app for personal use and connect it to their personal TVDB API? Can someone connect to APIs for datebases on books and games? Their own SQL database?
What a great initiatiave, personally I like the fact that we can now see localised episode titles & descriptions.
As a native Dutch speaker, I don’t mind if an app or site is in English but most local shows are never broadcasted abroad and thus have no English translations in TMDB.
Personally I would love if Trakt Lite & full Trakt site/app allowed me to select a fallback language (somewhat like TMDB does). I would use the app in English, but would still be able to see the info in Dutch.
Anyway, just published my first PR with i18n changes! Hope it helps
I think the app only works with the Trakt API, as this is different from TVDB. But you are free to use the code of the app and adjust it to a completely different backend as long as you give credit.
I love the new design! I would have loved to contribute, but I believe the new API is private and not available to the public for creating OAuth apps. Great work, though! I’m excited about what’s coming. However, the horizontal scroll for very long lists is a put off for me.