Line up checkmark in dropdown menus with text

Currently, the checkmark is a good bit below the text, it should be moved a bit higher so that it is properly lined up.

Mine looks fine:

Maybe they fixed it between when you requested it and when I looked this morning?

Nothing has changed on our end, but definitely looks like a difference in browser rendering engines. @CanePlayz what browser, version, and OS are you on?

Windows 11 with Microsoft Edge Version 131.0.2903.146

here’s what mine looks like on Windows 11 and Edge:

So for me alignment still looks fine.

Hmm, very odd

This is how it looks on my device in Firefox


And I’m starting to think I’m going crazy because I honestly can’t tell you anymore if that’s how it’s supposed to look or not. :rofl:

Edit: Ok nah I can see now that it looks fine in Firefox haha

Another odd one of those (where the two is too far down):


Only happens in Chromium-based browsers on my device

Now this one I can confirm…and it’s because they change the font.

The ones that are not “current” and bold are in a font stack:
–headings-heavy-font-family: “Figtree”, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

All the rest of the numbers are in a font stack:
font-family: “Varela Round”, “Helvetica Neue”, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

They are using two different fonts.

Then it’s quite interesting that Firefox keeps it on the same height

That was on my initial troubleshooting…and using the inspection tool. There could very well be “other” issues causing it. I used Chrome, which uses the Blink rendering engine, and Firefox uses the Gecko rendering engine.

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