There’s this white frame that appears when you click or hold the top part of dropdown menus.
It might be intended because people think it looks good, it’s just in my opinion that it doesn’t really look good. So this is less of a request but more of a discussion.
Those are what we call “accessibility” features for form fields. Have you ever been on a website where you are filling out a form, and when you tab or click into a text field (or any kind of field really), the field will “highlight”?
This is normal functionality for users that need to “know” what field they are currently in and using. It can be turned off by the developers, but they might not want to because that decreases the accessibility scores the website receives which can also decrease SEO markers.
This is not me saying anything bad…but dang you are on the ball with a lot of these “requests”. I don’t think I have seen a normal user pay this close attention let alone take the amount of time you do to say something about it.
btw, it’s not really a “beauty” thing. A lot of the time it’s also up to the browser being used (meaning it depends on what rendering engine). Safari might look totally different than Edge, etc. Unless Trakt explicitly defines styles for it, the individual browsers will render them with their own native styles.
Those are what we call “accessibility” features for form fields. Have you ever been on a website where you are filling out a form, and when you tab or click into a text field (or any kind of field really), the field will “highlight”?
Yeah sure, I tab through my stuff too It just felt a bit off to me in those special cases but it might not be like that for other people
This is not me saying anything bad…but dang you are on the ball with a lot of these “requests”. I don’t think I have seen a normal user pay this close attention let alone take the amount of time you do to say something about it.
Yeahh, I always do this when I really like a service, I’d definitely consider myself a perfectionist, so that’s why I’m throwing all of this stuff on here haha