This is maybe a strange request and maybe there’s an easy way to achieve this that I’m overlooking. But I’d love to be able to see everything that’s available on a specific platform (and maybe multiple platforms combined) all listed somewhere on Trakt.
To explain my need for it a bit: I don’t always know what I’m in the mood for. Trakt is great for searching for something, a genre etc. and then filtering by platforms that are available to me. I’d love the reverse to be available. Start at all the platforms I have and then narrow it down after.
If by platform you are talking about streaming services that’s already possible, although only on the website thus far.
First you have to select all your favorite streaming services in your settings.
After that go to the main site, tv or movie, hit filters and under „available to watch on“ you can now select the networks. If you chose to set your favorites before, those will be on top of the list.
If you’re searching one of your lists though you go into the list and then you hit the play button and there you can chose your networks.
Also if you are looking to use the site overall not just lists all you have to do is search with a blank search field or go to .
Then filter by streaming service under advanced.