Plan Shows to Watch around Streaming Service Subscription


With the prices of streaming services increasing, it is becoming more common to hop from service to service. Doing that does create complications in knowing what you can watch and where.

Trakt knows about JustWatch availability as well as what shows have been scrobbled. Using that it would be wonderful if there was a section on the website where you could say I’m subscribing to service x and y for the following dates, and have it list what shows you can watch. That would maximise the streaming service usage and reduce brain fatigue trying to plan things :wink:

Very few other services out there have both sets of data to be able to power this.

Was going to suggest something like this but then I saw this so bumping.

My idea was that we should be able to tell Trakt the services we’re subscribed to and then there’s a tag right on the thumbnail showing us that it’s on said streaming service. That way it’s visible when scrolling through your watchlist or any list instead of having to click on the entry and the JustWatch button to see where to watch it.

We actually do that already. The play icon will have a gray background if it’s streaming on one of your selected favorite services. There is also a tooltip that says the name of the specific services.

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That’s awesome!