My profile picture is not loading on the website, but does work on the forums! Help!

Is it on my end somehow, or is there something going on at Trakt?

It’s been a few days now, but I thought it would go back to normal eventually.

Mine also had this problem, I just uploaded it again and it fixed. It happened 2 days ago, after the 502 errors came back (That was fixed very quickly).

Smart! I don’t have the image anymore though. I guess it’s as old as my account, haha!

I grabbed it from the forum avatar and changing the number in the url to make it slightly bigger/closer to original size though XD So at least I have a picture again!

I have the same issue again?

@Justin any insights?

I reuploaded that same pic again… but where is this coming from? Why is it happening?

I’m noticing the same issue, but haven’t collected as much data as you have. Would you mind opening a support ticket for us please? It’s an easier way to get in front of the developers rather than the forum.


This should be fixed. It had to do with your account abilities and any time your permissions changed, it looked for the avatar in a different spot.

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I can’t change my VIP forums profile image. I can change the banner. Help. Thank you.

It matches your Trakt one. Change/update at

That’s what I figured. I changed the Trakt one and the forum one hasn’t changed from the old one.

@Sonply your picture is missing for me on the website too.


does it have to do with your update to mod?

Oh, weird. I uploaded it again. To me it was OK.
Please tell me if that fixed it.

Don’t know if it’s related, it has already been a few months.

For me your profile pic shows up like this but only on the “watched by friends” section. It’s been like that for months actually… pretty much sinse you got the director tag i’d say. Justin’s is the same and your the only two in my friends who are directors. Coincidence? Haha

Thanks for telling me. I’ve told them that and they will see about fixing it.