As of this morning it seems, the URL to my history (/users/mydefposse/history) now takes you to a Trakt sign in page instead of showing people my history even if they didn’t have a Trakt account. Was this an intentional change?
I have a Discord bot setup using IFTTT to post every time I watch a new episode with a link to my history, but my friends are no longer able to click it
Thanks for the update. I’d love for it to be an optional checkbox as my friends like to see what I’ve been watching but don’t want to have to create an account.
i LOVE Trakt. letterboxd has a website and user interface that is trapped in the late 1990’s and i hate letterboxd with a passion
Trakt should be striving to be more accessible, not less accessible.
all of us dedicated trakt users are ambassadors for the site, and when casually sharing things with friends, having a hard-locked sign-in-page on our own share-history is the definition of non-sharable.
i understand that ads make the site happen, but so does VIP.
i know this is a test feature, but i say the test is a fail.
((i appreciate that running a site like this is massively EXPENSIVE and resource and personnel heavy. all we want if for Trakt to succeed <3 )
couldn’t agree more. in fact me sharing my history page with others has actually let to some of them being so impressed that they went and signed up themselves. however if I can’t show off the awesome website anymore then I can’t convince more friends to come join the fun.
I’m not sure if it was ever possible but I was playing around with the API trying to get that to show progress and watched history and even though I have a valid token for my account there doesnt seem to be a way to view progress or history.
Has this been removed too? Am I missing something?
Hi thanks for sorting this fix so fast and adding history back in so quickly. My discord bot uses progress, would it be possible to do the same change for that so it no longer requires sign in like before?
Again thank you so much for your amazing website its been great!, its just my discord bot would be able to work again if the progress link was public again or if the api supported this information.
That’s disappointing… I feel like at least VIPs should have an option to be able to share what they’re watching with non-trakt users. The progress page is pretty much the only page I’m interested in sharing.