I was just finding a few spam/rubbish pages to report and was just thinking.
Would it be possible for a new items’ movie/TV/person(s) to be re scanned a week or so after they are added to the site? If they are missing from TMDB upon the next scan, you could remove them en masse?
I remember reading a while back that you had a backlog of reports, so maybe this would help alleviate some of that. If TMDB made a mistake the page would simply be remade and thus come back, so if it is viable I don’t see how it could go wrong.
Anyway, not sure on the computing side or if you can add it, but I think it would be quite helpful to just weed out some of the trash pages out there.
It’s a good suggestion. However, we like to merge stuff if possible or needed, which is why we don’t auto delete much. Reporting is ok, the moderation queue is low. I’ll still think about this more and see if any automation makes sense.
I recently reported a title that should be merged (not deleted!). I made the report when I saw one of my friends having the wrong title (which was removed from TMDb) in their History.
I think Justin’s right, the website’s approach should be merging and not deleting items. In the case I described, if the title was deleted instead of being merged, my friend would have not found the right title in their history.
If a bot crawls the entries and find dead links, it should at least automatically report them as dead so a human can verify. There are still cases where the TVDB data is more complete and shouldn’t be expunged.
A bot would also be handy for flagging adult content. Something I have to do weirdly often despite not looking for anything remotely related to adult content.
I personally think that there should be a VIP toggle to be able to see adult content if a user really wants it (that’s a whole other discussion, I know), but I’m starting to get tired of typing in the title of kids show or something equally innocuous and having Japanese erotica ranked higher than the thing I was searching for.