Notify of Finished Season/Series

I’m curious if there are features in place in the TMDB API to indicate when a Season or Series is completed?

I’m a binger and prefer to wait until all episodes have been release before watching. I do already get notified when episodes are released each week, but unless I know how many episodes a season has, it just falls off from my notifications and I may not notice its absence the next week.

I would forego weekly notification altogether if I was able to just be notified when a show had completed.


PS: Speaking of notifications, I am unable to get any emails when someone replies to a topic I’m watching, so I apologize if I’m late responding.

TMDB has the field to indicate this, but last I checked it’s not sent in the TMDB API yet. We’ll start using the finale indicator as soon as we can.


That’s great news. I’ll keep an eye out then.