Personal Tags

Would it be possible to add a feature that would allow users or maybe just VIP users to add personal tags to movies and shows? I know Letterboxd has this feature currently and refers to it as “logging” said movie. Definitely adds an extra layer of organization that I personally appreciate.

I would like this feature as well.

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Ps: i’m brazilian so i’m learning english yet… sorry for my mistakes and thank you for the patience.

I think we need a tag system. I’m used to go to the cinemas once a week. So i’ve started to track the cinema, if the movie is subtitled or dubbed, 3d or imax, this kind of things… i’m tracking the streaming service too (netflix? Disney? Max?). Usually I use lists and notes to save this information. But something happened. I’ve seen the tag system of Letterboxd and everything changed.

I have more than thirty lists only to simulate a tag system. Lists like “watched - netflix”,”watched - cinema 123”… really? Tag system is a killer feature to data lovers like us.

To help me, Trakt answered me in Twitter/X and adviced me to use notes. In fact we can use notes to do it but we can make typos, we can forget some tag (oh, have I used Kinoplex Tijuca or Kinoplex Shopping Tijuca?), we can’t see a list of tags (imagine see our tags and filter by it…). And it works very well in letterboxd because it’s saved on the view, not in the movie. It makes sense when you think about movies you have watched more than once (first time you watched this movie in cinema, the second time you’ve watched on Netflix).

With this system, you can track things like:
The cinema, subtitled or dubbed, 3D? Imax?

The streaming service (Netflix? Disney?). In fact, if you subscribe a lot of streaming services, it can be an amazing way to see if you really need subscribe them.

The person who you’ve watched (girlfriend? Parents?)

Imagine create lists to “watched with my girlfriend”,“watched with my mom”,“watched with my father”,“watched with my parents”… Okay, maybe notes? hmmm. oh no, i’ve typed “daf”… hm, have I used dad, daddy or Carlos (his name)?

Anyway, I need to know if trakt will implement or even think about this someday… if not, i can transfer these information to letterboxd (no problem because I use both for a long while and I can extract the best of both) and clear 90% of my lists. I can survive without this feature, Trakt is amazing and to me it’s the best app to track movies and tv series. Thanks

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I’d love that just so people hopefully won’t make public lists like that :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil: