Tracking movies watched in cinema

Hi, i think it will be a great feature: when i check in for a movie, it will be nice to select that i am watching it in cinema.
later i can check my cinema list, maybe in the year in review too

Why not create a “Watched in Cinema” List and just tick the list when you watch it?
I have several different lists for things like this.


Not sure if it’s appropriate to bump such an old thread, but i think this is a great idea. Creating a list is an option of course, but i think this feature will shine with a bit more “flair”.

If officially supported movies market as watched in cinemas could have some cooler graphical display on the profile, could be used in year-in-review and site-wide stats etc.

I wonder if we can use the Notes feature to somehow indicate it was watched in the cinema?

Notes could be used for personal tracking i suppose, but i think this feature would be cool if it was more integrated with more flair. Some ideas i have


and of course a section in year in review :slight_smile: