Public lists for featured movies on cinemas

First of all where can I find public lists? Are the top 250 movies/tv shows, Christmas movies, Rolling Stones top 100 tv shows and some more marvel lists all there is?

I want to find a daily up2date featured movie list that contains all those movies that are currently on the cinematic and upcoming.
Surely there must be some lists for that? But I can’t even find the public ones, except for the handful I listed above?

I personally follow these lists, they are updated frequently:

Latest releases
Lastest releases (another one)
Upcoming anticipated movies


Thanks for the first list, I also follow it now :slightly_smiling_face:

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thanks for the first one! appears like that one is managed better than G&A one (second list). i’ve found a lot of movies that never made it on the G&A one. G&A one used to be the best… seems like he has not been as active as in the past.

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G&A is a non-VIP user with several lists near or above 100 items. He may be struggling with the new restrictions.

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they’re well hidden… you have to select “Lists” from the search drop down.

otherwise go to a movie you think would be on such a list you’re looking for and scroll down to browse those with the item on it.

I’ve got a lot of lists that may be of use on my public account. I’m also willing, within reason, to maintain others requested by people

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Thanks, I saved two of your lists for further reference :beers:

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