Question about the 100 items limit

What services did you decide for or found interesting?

I mainly loved the fact that unlike in trakt that stopped working, I can use the website and it’s working :slight_smile: and ofc, also the fact I could transfer my stuff there very easily.

But they do have lot of additional functionality, and calendar shows full month instead 1 week, I think it’s a plus.
There are few other similar websites, so I guess while moving to other website it can be nice to compare what best for you, if you have the time.

It’s best to ignore these insufferable people treating you like you did something wrong.

I’m in the same boat as you, hundreds of items on my watch list, but apparently we are to blame because we didn’t go to college to study how to use this website “properly” :slight_smile: imagine brigading a forum just to pedantically tell people “they were warned” about using a feature the wrong way hahahaha, chronically online basketcases truly are beyond delusional

Anyway, also not going to bother going through years of items just so I can keep using this site’s most basic functionality, trakt poisoned themselves and no amount of lashing out at disgruntled users is going to cure that. Greedy devs can go the way of the dodo, not my problem. And the watch list gestapo here can gargle my hairy *****


Unfortunately this 100 items per lists has made the free account from trakt pretty unusable, especially the ‘collections’ which over the years I have used trakt has grown to over 3000 items. Using the app TV Guides, connected to trakt before they had their own android app all items you ‘add for watching’ were automatically ‘added to collection’ meaning I now have over 3000 items collected xD

My anime list was also over 100 items which I now forcefully had to reduce to 99 items of only the animes I had not yet watched creating seperate watchlists of all genres just to keep the shows I wanted to watch.

My regular watchlist is over 300 items being both shows and movies, I am unable to add new stuff during my netflix browsing to my watchlist now due to this restriction. I’m not entirely certain what the added value of this other than trying to ‘force’ people to upgrade to use VIP can be. But I am dissapointed that it has come to this. All the other restrictions have always been perfectly acceptable, seeing stats, having more sorting options, all those fancy things people can use if they wish to pay. But this list restriction is rediculous and will make me look for other platforms to start logging my watched status.


Exactly, the watchlist is also cabbed to 100 items, so that would mean if you are watching over a hundred shows, you still need to pay 60$ per year just to be able to administer that. Who says I cannot be watching more than 100 shows over time. Furthermore, to be better I just need to add each episode of a serie I am watching to the watchlist, reaching the 100 items even sooner, so less series that can be on that list

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If you have watched any previous episodes of a series, it is in your watched history and will appear in next up and calendar. Watched history has no limits. Keeping it in your watchlist is unnecessary.


You are missing the point. I collect series, and add them to the Watchlist as soon as I actually start watching these series. Also the Watchlist is limited to 100-items so fills up pretty fast.
The watchlist, as it is named, is for those series you are actually watching. With a few series that can contain up to 20 episodes, I can only actively watch and monitor about 5-7 series, let alone if you are running behind the actual schedule.

Why are you talking about gargling your hairy *****?? It’s your fault you went “Oh it’s called watchlist, so it must be for things I watched :nerd_face::point_up:”

Absolutely not. It’s scary how many people follow this logic. A watchlist is for things you want to watch. Of course it’s going to fill up quickly if you use it for everything you watch instead. Why do you think it automatically removes items when you add them to your history?

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You can, but you should add them to your history, not your watchlist. If there was a 100 item limit of things you watched (even movies and individual episodes) then that would make Trakt completely useless (I still think they made a horrible decision by limiting the watchlist and lists).

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You’re still getting it wrong. Watchlist should be for things you’ve never watched. If you’ve watched a series, it’s in your watch history without limits. Also, counting episodes instead of a series was/is a bug and should have been/will be corrected.

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History is for those episodes you have seen/watched. Watchlist is for the episodes you are watching

Partially Correct. You are taking about a serie being completely watched. Some are still running. We’re awaiting a new season, or new episodes to come/be released.
Sure these will show up in the release calendar, but this is showing releases by week, not by show/series.

When will the episodes not be counted as an item?

How I use Trakt (which may be wrong/not as intended, but I assume many of us are using it this way)

  • Watchlist: Series I am actually watching. Each episode watched is sent to History, leaving only the episodes of the series I am actually watching in the watchlist
    → This is now limited to 100 items/episodes. If the episodes should not be counted as items, than still I may have more than 100 actively following series.
  • Collected: Administering episodes of a series that I have collected and plan to watch in the near future. Some of these do no longer have a streaming service available anymore. Some are on DVD, or Bluray. I just use the button Collected and the episode is added to my collection.
    → This now limited to 100 items/episodes.
  • Specific list: like one from dropped not interesting into watching the remainder of the episodes
    → I have 4 private lists
  • History/Watched: Just by a click of the button, a show is added to history after having it watched. I remove these from my collection, even if I have a physical medium for this episode or series.
    → This still works

Quite a puzzling use of the Watchlist feature. What purpose do you find using the default Watchlist this way serves that the ‘Progress’ tab doesn’t provide you?

Unless you’re not aware the ‘Progress’ tab exists and how it can be sorted and filtered…

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In case you don’t know, the progress section is for what you are using your watchlist.
Watchlist should be for things you haven’t started yet (or for things that still haven’t been released).
The progress section has all episodes you still need to watch of your shows (that have been released).
For example, this is mine:

There are 25 episodes of 8 different shows in my progress. These are the things I’m currently watching. That’s how the progress section works.

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Indeed, it is completely wrong.

Why are you saying it like it’s a fact? Just do a simple Google search, please. Watchlist is for stuff you plan to watch, and that is the case for Trakt, but also for Letterboxd, Seriesguide, TVtime, and literally all apps that have ever existed.

Why would you add them to your watchlist? I really don’t see the point. When you start a series, it shows the next episode in “up next”. What more do you need to not forget what you’re watching?

How is it physically possible to follow 100 series at once?

Not stating anything. Just telling how I am using Trakt. As mentioned it may be wrong according the phylosophy of Trakt, but it is working for me.
If it is not they way I should use it, please explain to me the button “Collected” ?

How many series I follow is up to me, maybe I have nothing else to do.

I am adding the series I am actually watching to my watchlist, adding episodes to collected, for those that I tend to watch in the future. Nonetheless it is not possible to add episodes unlimited to watchlist as you suggest, because that would also exceed the limit of 100 items.

You fail to see how things work for people, sure they are not as they were intended, but is is how is can be used

Exactly right!

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