Question about the 100 items limit

Hi, Will the list above the 100 items limit be removed? Do I need to remove items until I get below the limit?

No, lists over 100 items won’t be removed.

You will get to keep them, but you won’t be able to add any items to that list until there’s under 100 items.


Hense your existing lists, if over 100 items, have become useless anyway. Unless you pay $60 per year


That’s a shame.

Over the years I sometime paid for yearly VIP status, sometime not.
I was happy that I can still use the website for free, and that VIP is optional.
Now after the 100 items limit the website is not usable anymore, because the main purpose of it for me is to make sure that if some old series pop new season, I’ll know about it.

Can’t do that anymore, so was forced to look for a competitors websites, AI chat recommended me few and I’m still checking which is best for free. It really helped that I could import the items and move it to a different website.

I really hope that Trakt will remove this limit, as it’s kind of make the free account not possible anymore, there is not a real free option for me now here.


“because the main purpose of it for me is to make sure that if some old series pop new season, I’ll know about it.”
Let me just understand this. If you watched an old show and a new season came up, it will show up normally in your up next and calendar. This has nothing to do with the lists limit, you can mark as many items as watched as you want.

So, how would you not know about that? How were you using the lists feature?


Thank you so much for responding and caring! :slight_smile:

The error message I suddenly started to get now when I try to mark new series in my Watchlist is “Your watchlist already has 100 items. Please upgrade to VIP to increase the limit to 10,000 items”.

I have 307 items in my list, that’s from years of marking each series that I watched and wanted to know if ever will be another season, you can never know.
So now suddenly I can’t do that anymore, which makes the whole website not usable for me.
I do like from time to time to pay for VIP in order to have more options, but being out of the blue forced to do that forever, force me to look for a safer harbor for my watchlist.

btw, it could be that I’m mistaken and you talked about a different type of list, and if that so then I apologize for responding to the incorrect thread. but nonetheless, my problem still remains the same.


I think you’re mistaken about the meaning of your watchlist. You watchlist is for things you want to see, not for things you saw. You don’t need to add everything you see to your watchlist, just mark it as watched (“add to history”). And if a new season/episode comes out, it will show up on your calendar and up next.


I kinda get it, I just don’t know if you are using the list for the intended purpose.

The “watchlist” is used for things you have not watched yet, it’s more like a ‘plan to watch’ list. The things you already watched, you mark them as “watched” and they show up in your history.
Your history is unlimited and every time something you watched release a new season, it shows up in your progress section and in your calendar, so you don’t need any lists to keep track of that.

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If you mark the last episode or season of the old series as watched, it should show up in your next up and calendar if a new season ever appears. Watched episodes aren’t subject to a count.

(Just saw that I repeated what was already said!)

Oh wow, that explains it.

Once I finished a series, I always marked with “Add to History”, and once I did that I got the “listed on watchlist” removed automatically without saying that I would still see it in calendar if it ever have another season. So I always marked it again with “Add to watchlist” to make sure.

I figure that it could had help the users if the “listed on watchlist” status were to remain after finishing a series, or if it would explain it more clearly in a popup message that it still gonna show in future calendar despite it being removed from watchlist.

In any case, in order to fix my problem and get back from 300+ items down to where it won’t cause any stress that it gonna stop working soon (I figure that for that it should be well below 100, maybe like 15), I tried now go over the series I saw over the years and remove the watched status.
But I found that work unrealistic, it takes too much time of work, among other things because I want to check each one that does not marked as 100% watched, to make sure I did watched it and then mark 100%. I think some I didn’t finish watching but I could get back to it in future, maybe.

But I don’t think I can invest so much time in this work, just to make the website working again for me.
Perhaps it was better if the website 100 items limit was just not including series that I already watched 100%, and also if the limit was like 500, not 100, at least for people who are like me subscribed for many years and didn’t exploit anything by using automation to add tons of stuff in at the same time.

I really appreciate your effort to help me in this case, and now have a bit of hope that maybe there is some kind of solution for that, I’ll also keep think about it myself. I love this website and got used to it over the years, and it would meant a lot for me if there is a realistic way to keep using it.

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that’s not how watch list works. since the beginning of time as soon as you mark an episode or movie as watched, it will remove automatically from watch list as intended. That’s just how it was meant to work. it’s not about if you finish a series, it’s about as soon as you mark an item as watched.

That issue isn’t really isn’t an issue.

many users kept telling you this, but you keep ignoring it. the watchlist is working as intended. no need for any popups. if you want items to not remove, then you probably want to go with the adding it to a personal custom list approach.

the only issue you still have would be the watchlist, collection, and personal lists are limited to 100 items max (2 lists max can be created)

Ok then :slight_smile:
I’m disappointed to find out the website will remain out of the blue unusable for me because a mistake I did many years ago, of not understanding the true intent you had in mind. I assume u by “many users kept telling you this, but you keep ignoring it” you mean that I should had back then not just use the website, but also register here to the forums and read regularly what users say. I apologize for not understanding back then that it’s a must do thingy.

Thank you for explaining it though, at least I can now understand your point of view.


You can mass delete everything from your watchlist and just start over. I bet it consists mostly of watched show now anyway! That’ll save you a lot of manual work.

I don’t remember how though. But im pretty sure @justin told me. On the old forums I think.

Ohh found it;

I understand.
For me after so many years it will be a huge lost to just start over, but I did find other websites that I could import all my items without the 100 items limit, so I think ill go this way.

I just tried to see if there is any real fix in here, but I understand and respect the business decision of this website to stop supplying real free option while leaving extra features as optional payment, as they did all these years.
it’s a valid decision, they don’t owe anything to me.


But you still have your watched history? You watchlist is only for stuff you haven’t seen yet, but want to start soon :tm:
Your not actually using your watched history. But of course, you do you! :stuck_out_tongue:

Watch history make it that new seasons will show in calendar, and also let me find new stuff to see without stumbling again and again into stuff I already saw in the past but forgot.

So it’s kinda something you can’t really give up on, for this kind of website to be helpful. I don’t think it’s optional, it’s really is something that should be included in the free tier of the website.

It did until now, so out of the blue removing the option make the website unusable for me (actually also for friends I recommended the website in the past, I’m doing the work for all of us now to find a new home).

yes it will… Trakt calendar pulls items from watch list, collection, and watched history

Yes, it does pull from all of these, which isn’t helping if you can’t use the website anymore due to the 100 limit, as we already describe in details.

Btw, I now see in other similar websites that they does indeed letting you know in popup when you mark something as watched that it will still show up in your calendar.

For now I think ill stay with import of all stuff from here to there was automatic, and the website is actually very nice and without this 100 items limit. I recommend it for anyone that has the same problem as me and can’t use trakt anymore due to the new limit.

They look very advanced and welcoming, and I after some time with them ill also consider paying for the lifetime VIP option that trakt is missing, if i’ll see it worth it.

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again, i think you’re getting confused between watched history and watch list. your logic of keep adding them back into watch list even after you watch an episode or series makes no sense as it would already be added into watched history.

i’m not telling you how to use it just stating the difference between watched history and watch list. it’s redundant to have items already in your watched history AND watchlist. if you remove items from your watchlist if you’ve already watched it, then it would reduce your number of items in your watchlist.

but again, if that still doesn’t help then sorry it doesn’t help.


Thank you, but I already responded to that earlier and explained that I now understand the difference very well, but it’s not feasible to go over all my current 300 items and fix it manually (which I did try), and this limit is in any case makes the website unusable.

Luckily I found another website and transition there was 2 min work, I’m pretty happy with their calendar and as I understand trakt won’t change it’s new policy to disallowing normal free tier for users like me that are using it for many years, I’ll just stay with the new website.

As a VIP yourself I figure you probably don’t have that problem, but myself I like being VIP when I wish it, not when it forced upon me. That’s also for me a sign that in the future other stuff could also change without a warning and I can’t rely on such a service to keep all my stuff in.

Thank you though for your explanations, and I wish you a happy watching.