Remove the 5 word limit

Probably this limitation is for spamming purposes but i think nowadays a lot of coll and smart comments can be less than 5 words. A whole generation can say two words and describe a feeling for a movie or show.

I wanted to write this


Can you please consider removing the limitation ?


A while back I was forced to write this when I made a succinct but pointed remark about the plot of an episode of Star Wars Visions:

Screen Shot 2023-07-29 at 23.53.34

I understand that a ton of one-word responses is unwanted, but is that really going to happen? If the rule is removed is there going to be a flood of one-word replies? I seriously doubt it. Lazy comments will end up getting ignored and smart comments using few words are fun to read. (And a lot of people, including myself as I illustrated, are going to find a potentially-unsightly way to post what they wanted to say anyways.) So I agree that it shouldn’t be a hard-coded rule, rather it’s better to just crack down on the few serial offenders when they show up from time to time (at best).


Lazy comments can be flagged by other users so eventually will get them to dissapear.
Also maybe a VIP feature or only available to people with more than 6 months registration or 10 reviews+ on their resume.

This may avoid something.
But in gerneral yes please remove it, it doesn’t offer anything nowadays.


Has anyone from the mods think this through ?

That’s a good idea to relax this limitation after a certain number of comments. The minimum is there to combat spam from way back in the Trakt v1 days. Nearly every comment was a one word comment when we first added commenting.


Yeah I’ve always been if you are really commenting less than that, just rate it instead. But I guess people are different and use reviews for different things. I’d just hate to see it end up as spammy/meme filled bs like Steam reviews.

i agree, but don’t forget Trakt still calss it SHOUT, which is just a shout, like give me something.
And especially on episodes the commenting can be just something clever about a thing that you saw on a 20 minutes episode.

Maybe remove for episodes and leave it for movies where actually review should be something meaningful