Reset Progress from TV Page

Hi All!

So right now the only way to reset progress of a TV Show is from the progress section, this can be a bit cumbersome if you have watched a lot of shows you have to go page by page to find the last time you watched the show to reset, it would be great to be able to go to the shows page and rest the progress from there.

Perhaps putting it on the “watched progress section” on the show page like:

In the meantime, easy “fix” is to just log the first episode you (re-)watch, then it appears on top of your progress page again :slight_smile:

Maybe it would be nice to have the progress reset function on the Dashboard too, a small button just to the side of “hide this show”.


Perhaps when you click reset on a show page it could also unhide a show from progress in case you hid it previously and if it is a currently airing show it also unhides it from the calendar. Instead of having to dig in your settings for it.

Edit: last sentence added


I completely forgot that was how I was doing it so I didnt have to spend forever searching haha. Maybe even if there was just the option that it would auto mark it as rewatching if you watched episode 1 of the show for example and just had a button saying you arent actually rewatching.

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I can no longer edit my post :speak_no_evil:

I just wanted to add that, I would vote for the idea, if it was the same way as hiding works. I don’t think it’s really necessary to add the progress reset functionality to the show page, as you need to follow the same steps (search the show), to actually add the episode as watched. Also I think another button there would just clutter it up with even more functions haha. Unless maybe to the side of the TV-MA rating but ehhh. I don’t know, haha!

After doing that it’s easy peasy to reset it from recent progress. I think it would just be neat to have the progress reset function alongside the hide functionality in the dashboard. I would vote for that, haha!

I like the idea of some sort of “warning” when you watch an episode you’ve watched before like a pop-up or notification/mail (in case of automatic scrobbles) saying:
“You’ve watched this episode before on DATE TIME. Do you want to reset your progress to this episode?”

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I mostly use this website on my phone and it can be a hassle trying to reset a show. Having some sort of reset from the show page would be handy.

I do agree with making it easier to reset the show progress from the show’s main page. One question I have – since only the progress page reflects the reset will that be confusing to have this on the show page? That’s originally why I never added it.

That is a great point I didn’t really think of. I am looking at a show I am currently rewatching and see on the shows page it still shows 100% watched, no indication it is being rewatched.

I don’t know the work that would be required, but could the show page maybe change from 100% watched to “Currently Rewatching” or some similar phrasing? Or if you added a rewatch button on the show page maybe it marks the show as rewatching and takes you to the progress page, just so you don’t click the button and wonder if it did anything.

Edit: I kind of forgot I posted this feature request, just to add my experience over the last 2 years, I have been watched the first episode of a show, let plex scrobble it and then come to the progress page to mark it as rewatching (adjusting the date), while its not the most intuitive process it has done the job.

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I haven’t forgotten about this thread and just wanted to provide an update. I added the reset button to the dashboard up next and added a new badge to indicate you’re re-watching the show.

It’s also worth noting the mobile apps already support this, long press on the up next item and you can reset the progress.

As for the original request, I am thinking about that more and trying to figure out what makes sense. If you’re re-watching a show, do you except the watched percentage to be adjusted everywhere like the show page, trending page, list pages, etc? As you know, it only adjusts the up next and progress pages currently to not make it confusing in other sections. However, if I add additional wording or icons maybe that would make it more clear why the percentage is not 100%?

This is one of my biggest wishes for Trakt: A more integrated & useful “Rewatch” function. Thanks for keeping this thread alive, Justin.

My takes:

  • Having the watch percentage change everywhere could be overkill. Could you add a line to the progress percentage box with “xx% rewatched”? Or even change it entirely from “100% watched” to “xx% rewatched” once the rewatch has been initiated.
  • Could the progress bar change color when a rewatch has been initiated? Maybe the bar stays bright red to show the initial completion, but during a rewatch a new color overlays. Maybe green? Or a different shade of red? (I like the green, as it stands out and implies a positive action.)
  • Maybe add a “Rewatches” counter to the season/series pages (and to our annual stats). Next to the progress percentage you could note “3 Rewatches (174 total watches)”. But the “x Rewatches” would only appear if you complete a rewatch of the entire season/series.
  • I like the idea of a prominent “Initiate Rewatch” button on a season/series page, but it should be dimmed/unavailable until 100% of a show has been watched.
  • Be sure to enable rewatches at the season level and not just the show level Currently, when trying to do this via the Progress page, you can only “Reset Progress” at the show level. Not great if you only care to rewatch a particular season.

I agree we need both the overall watched and rewatching info to be clear.

Good idea, and yes we’d like use color and/or icons to indicate it’s rewatching.

Possibly, this might be too intense but its an interesting idea to look into deeper.

No, I wouldn’t want to limit it to 100% watched to allow a rewatch. There are plenty of valid reasons for wanting to reset the progress for actively airing shows. I do this myself where I watch a season then someone else wants to watch with me so I reset the progress and we start watching from episode 1.

It’s not setup to do this and would get quite complicated to enable on the season level. Not as clean, but this could be accomplished by resetting the show and hiding seasons.


I’ll have a more complete update later this week, but here’s a teaser of what I’ve been working on.


Here’s a blog post about the new and improved Rewatching feature. Please let me know if this all makes sense and if you have and feedback or missing features. It will go live early next week most likely.


This update is now live.


The watch icon/banners are not updating for shows that I choose to rewatch. The button is otherwise working. The shows are correctly resetting on the progress page and up next.

Can you post a screenshot or exact steps to reproduce the issue?

Also, you’ll need to enable the setting to use the rewatch icon. It’s off by default.

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That was the reason lol

Great feature, as always :+1:
I wanted to ask, how does it work - if I watched (for example) Person of Interest for 2 seasons straight. Then I stop. After two years I started again with someone to watch it from the Season 1 again (so ,rewatching") and seeing this icon (rewatch) on the show (progress, poster of show in my currently watching etc.), will it disappear when I get on Season 3, which I didn’t saw (on my first run), so I am basically seeing it for the first time - not rewatching it. Or I am still ,rewatching it" even thou I didn’t see it in the first place.

It would still be rewatching and you’d need to manually remove it from that state at

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