Should watch time refer to the beginning or the end?

Hi all,

I just started wondering about this, and was surprised that I couldn’t find any discussion about it. Well, not that it’s an earth-shattering question or even matters that much, but still:

Is the time when I watched something meant to refer to when I started watching it, or when I finished it?

Maybe it’s just supposed to be everybody’s personal decision, but in that case I’d still be wondering how other people handle it.

I used to tag my times manually and took care to set the starting time – if I just finished watching an episode of The Simpsons, I’d set the time to half an hour earlier. Now, I just finished watching a 2-hour movie, and for the first time realised that there was a “Just finished” option when setting the time. I thought that this will do the job for me, and set the Watched time by subtracting the runtime of the movie from the current time, but it just set the current time. I was halfway to requesting this as a feature when I realised that maybe I’d just been doing it wrong all this time :smile:

Our intention is to time stamp when you’re finished watching. An automatic scrobble or checkin always does this. Manually marking watched (or just finished) uses the current time stamp and we assume you’ve just watched it.

The only weird one is release date. By default that will add the runtime to the air date, and use that for the time stamp.

It never occurred to be to track when I start watching something hahaha. Sometimes i can even split a movie watch between three days. I always use the just finished option and it’s a good thing that it uses the current day and time for me :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think it’s personal preference

I mainly use the release date when i add things and this always used to add it as watched at it’s aired time, I had to disable the feature of adding run time as it made my stats look wrong

eg, If I watch something from 9pm to 10pm, I will flag this as 9pm, the default would set this as 9:42pm, which just looks wrong (as I have nearly 20 mins left)


Even though I don’t record the exact times I watch things, I still keep record of things in the order I COMPLETED them. I don’t like putting an episode or movie on pause (especially when I forget about it for days and don’t recall what happened), but sometimes it’s unavoidable.