Show doesn't appear on calendar

I have an issue with a tv show that doesn’t appear on my calendar.
More specific the show Radio Arvyla (Radio Arvyla - Trakt).
I already checked other relevant topics, i checked if it’s hidden and it’s not, i changed the start of week day, i reset my browser data, nothing.
To be specific, next episode is on the 27th of January, as you can see on my screenshot, but it’s missing from my calendar.

Can you help?

What’s the link of the calender page?

// EDIT: i think data at the data source might have been updated recently. Because the 13th episode shows to have already been aired before the 12th is due to air.
Maybe episode data is updated pretty soon and calendar takes a bit to update? A nightly or every other day refresh or something.

I see your point, because the 13th episode does wrongly appear to have aired on the 13th of January, but on the episode page, the dates are correct and the page was last updated on the 11th of December.

Checked TMDB changes and there were some done on the 7th of January, so maybe it is some kind of mixup on the data, just really long delayed.

It might be a little faster to report that show/episode. In your screenshot, where you underline the “refresh” link, use the “Report” link and usually a support person gets it resolved a lot faster from there than they do here on the forums.

Just a suggestion.

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It’s not a data mistake, the dates on the pages are correct. They just don’t appear accordingly on the calendar.
Anyway, I reported it and we’ll see…

Yeah, my suggestion wasn’t about data or what ever. It was more informative in the fact that reporting it there actually creates a support ticket. Which is taken care of much faster than posts here in the forums. Although, you can also create a ticket by tagging @support here, or sending a direct email to so you have several options.

I refreshed this page and to me episode 18x12 is showing up on Jan 27 now. Can you chack if yours is correct?

Yes, it’s fixed now. Thank you.