I see there’s already a related topic, but the answer there, self-marked as a solution, doesn’t make any sense, so I decided to ask on a separate topic.
You mention, that’s because of privacy policy, but it doesn’t mention anything related to age at all. Could you please elaborate? Please clearly explain what the birthday is used for.
Currently shown reason implies you got into astrology… I can’t see any reason whatsoever why you would need the date.
Also the reason given in this banner is completely different from your answer is in that other topic, which makes things even more confusing. Should I just enter any BS date or is there another way to get rid of that banner?
maybe relax with the conspiracy. No one wants and no one cares in trakt to scam you or sell your birthday.
I bet in other platforms llke instagram, tik tok you have agreed to way more privacy things.
Asking for birthdays is standard for account creations across a multitude of companies. It can be used for age verification. The privacy policy for Trakt states you need to be 18.
3 Children’s Privacy
Our Services are not directed to children under 18. We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under 18. If we learn we have collected or received Personal Information from a child under 18, we will delete that information. Please contact us at support@trakt.tv if you believe we have received information from a child under 18.
It can also be used to enhance you experience like recommending what other your people your age are watching. Also recommending shows based on your age has nothing to do with astrology.
This has nothing to do with scamming or conspiracies, but with the explanation why birthday is required.
I disagree. Lots of people my age watch only dramas and soap operas, which I absolutely hate. If you’re 3-7 years old, you might watch what others of the same age watch, but after that wiews start to diverge and it gets more difficult to guess what one would like to watch. Also Trakt has much better source for recommendations - my watch history and playlists. My age as a recommendation source can’t even come close in comparison to my actual stats.
Having said that…
This @Revenir’s post explaining/guessing things would make perfect sense, but this…
To keep showing you the best TV shows and movies, please enter your birthday.
…this is the problem I have. If I’m giving away my personal data, I want to know why, and the reason should be justifyable. In this case it’s far from such…
If setting you birthday which there is no verifiable so you can put anything you want thus no reason for arguing.
But if that is a reason for you to say “If I’m giving away my personal data, I want to know why, and the reason should be justifyable.” for a age ask then you shouldn’t be online or on trakt. Which by the way tracks your watching history which seams you are fine with that personal data.
Yes, because I know how it’s used. You’re missing my point. If I understood why my birthday is needed, I’d enter my actual birthday. In current situation - yes - I’ll just choose some random date, which will make me 100 years old
why does it matter ? that is what am missing. So for one line of explanation you will enter you correct birthday even if YOU DO NOT agree with that reason ? you only need a reason ? not a valid one for you ?
The message has been removed from the dashboard and settings page for existing members. The birthday is used to verify ages per our privacy policy, and we have plans to use your age to personalize future features. We’ll revisit the requirement later once those features are closer to being released and be more clear about it.