I’ve made no effort to hide how much I’ve come to really love this website over the years, nor do I see any reason to start now. To the contrary, performing my annual online credentials audit has been an unparalleled reminder of precisely how ephemeral almost everything on the internet really is, unless those who care about it take explicit, thoughtful care to prevent it from simply fading away right before our eyes.
As someone who also possesses at least a poor man’s grasp of data science, I suspect that a sufficiently skilled researcher might discover some insightful truths about the way we consume media and how it affects us, given the opportunity to play God and look down at all those data points from on high. I’m curious to learn if there’s ever been any discussion of anonymizing the data stored on Trakt by all of us and making it available to people with the interest and skills to do just that? What would be everyone’s thoughts on such a thing taking place? Please share your thoughts, if you have any, be they supportive or critical.
The other question I have is if there’s any system in place already to release the fundamental codebase of the site to those who would like to learn how it was made after that accursed but inevitable day that there’s nobody left with enough belief in its utility as a service or economic engine to bear the costs of operating it? I’ve said many times that this place is often the first or second example I provide when asked for the list of best UI designs, and I bet when I’m eben older and grayer than I am now, there’ll still be enough codemonkey in me to want to take a few days unpacking exactly how it is this grand communal salon actually works. I honestly hope there is, and if not that we can provide for there to be. It seems inevitable that the things our generations will cherish most as we grow old won’t be classic cars or cottages in the woods but online spaces where we spent or time and shared the passing of the seasons. I know this place will have a place of honor in any such liat I make, and I selfishly hope I’m far from the only one.