There should be two different types of special

For me the specials that tie in with the storyline should be in sync with the seasons, so that you dont accidentally miss them, then specials such as behind the scenes stuff should be where they currently are.

Unless you activate specials you dont see them on the dashboard, and even then they dont come up in date order.


This is a great idea, and welcome back to the forum. Thanks for the suggestion. I think this should go under feature requests but I think the staff may move it there.

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Trakt doesn’t control this type of thing. These things come from TMDB and/or TVDB (through their APIs). Trakt just places them in a very appealing visual way for us to simply track what we watch.

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Good luck getting TMBD to implement anything like this, they are incredible resistant to doing anything that goes against their norm. Even if it makes the most sense.


Quick question, what setting do you/we change to get the extra name next to our username? For instance, your username = LloydWLDavis but you also have “Lloyd Davis” between your username and the VIP badge.

I cannot find the setting for this.

Maybe the Display Name configured in your Settings?

Yeah, I have that set on the main Trakt website as well as here on the forums, so I was just wondering if I missed some other settings (maybe a checkbox or something) that says “display on forums” or something similar.

Try signing out of the forums, changing your name on the Trakt website, then signing back into the forums. That should cause it to re-sync the single sign on info.

Yours shows as
terryapodaca Terry A Apocada VIP for me.

Yeah, I did what Justin said to have the sites re-sync…and that did the trick.

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Great, apologies for the slow reply. Been away.