Trakt login from mdblist and other services dont seem to be working

On mdblists I get Login error, returned error code: 401

Similar errors on other services too.

There seems to be some issue with the server right now. The team will investigate. Please, try again once things get back to normal.

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Thanks @Sonply ! Where can I track this status?

I’ll inform you here once things are back to normal.

Things should be OK now. Please try and see if it works.

I just tried, auth is still returning 401 for me

mdb, along with authorized apps is acting really weird. If i remove authorized apps they go away, then if i refresh the page they are back… if i unauthorize one of them again, all the deleted ones go away… then refresh and they are all back…

Yeah, that’s the issue still happening. Let’s wait and see if things get better.

Are things working correctly right now?


for me things are working i think… The trakt reconnected on stremios site, but the import fails… I dont know that its an issue