Viewing other people's Year in Review

In years past, I’ve been able to look at the Year in Reviews for friend’s of mine who are not VIP members. I tried to do this today and was unable. Is this the expected functionality, or some sort of error? I’m okay with that ability being removed, I just want it to be communicated.


Year in review is only available if the user is a VIP themselves. We noticed that “bug” a few months ago and it was fixed around that time.

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Hm, too bad. I was seeing that (being able to view other ppl’s year in review) as a feature of being an VIP on the site. So to me it feels more or less that I’ve lost a feature on my VIP subscription… does it really hurt to give VIP’s the ability to see other ppl’s year in review?

If it really is THAT bad to have VIP’s see that, how about having an option to gift VIP to other ppl on the site?

I considered if this should be a vip perk, but it ultimately is a loop hole that some users were exploiting to get a vip feature on non vip accounts.