VIP Badges?

I made another post regarding API in this forum however I’ve also noticed other things lacking. I’ve been a VIP member for over 3 years but have no badge on the forum?

I would like to know if staff members are delegated to certain jobs/roles?


Don’t you mean the website? You got it there just fine.

On the forum, I don’t think there are badges for VIPs. Just the “groups”:

This is the VIP forum so everyone here is vip… I don’t think everyone also need a badge :slight_smile:

my mama says I’m special so i always need badges :laughing:

Haha!! Dear Lord, mama’s boy.

My point is what’s the point of having say 1 year badge, 2 year badge on the site (Don’t get confused @lifeiscrazy). I use Discourse with a few thousand or more users and they have badges. I was just wondering. The system is there, it exists, so it makes sense.

Just an idea. Cheers for the reply guys.

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Just saw a OG badge, “original VIP member”
what is it and how do i get one :laughing:

I believe it is for those that became a VIP when it first came out years back.

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The VIP OG website badge is for our earliest VIP members that signed up for VIP prior to Dec 1, 2012!


I’ve been a VIP for 3 years, but just got the OG badge. Definitely not pre-2012. Did the definition change?

Looks like a bug, I’ll get it fixed tomorrow.

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