Watched movie still showing as 'in progress'

Recently my son told me he’d never seen any of the Matrix films, so I told him the Set of them is in our collection on the NAS from years ago, so he started watching.
He’s now watched 2 of them but they are showing as ‘In Progress’ on the Kodi home page. I’ve tried resetting the ‘resume position’ and it disappears for a while, then when Kodi syncs with Trakt again (…I assume), it re-appears as In Progress again! Any ideas? Thanks…

You’re better off asking at a kodi support forum.

There’s no way to set a movie as in progress on trakt.


Yeah, you’re probably right. Must be something to with Trakt though as they reappear after a Trakt sync. Thanks anyway… :+1:

you’d probably need to clear progress from the 3rd party add-on.

These were played from my NAS drive though… :man_shrugging:

Problem is, Trakt doesn’t actually track your progress (you aren’t using Trakt to watch the movies). Its your third party software that should be sending the correct info TO trakt, not the other way around. So it sounds like you have an issue with Kodi (I didn’t even know people still used those kinds of setups anymore, or even still used Kodi).

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